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Part 18- Switch (Networking Devices)- Computer Networking- CCNA

Hello friends... next Networking Device is Switch.


It is the device that connects the multiple devices and network segments, it is also known as Multi-port Network bridge. means in bridge there were only two ports but here there are many ports behaving like bridge. It works on Layer 2 of the OSI Model.

But today you can got the switches which works on Layer 3 or Network Layer , these switches are known as layer 3 switch or Multilayer switch.

Switch receive the data on it's own port in form of frames and transmit it to that device for which this particular data is.
It is not like a HUB because if HUB receive data so it will forward to all ports but switch is very intelligent device , it send data to only right single destination. Today in every Network switch is most important device.

Working of Switch -
Switch creates a Separate collision domain for each switch port. it just like a bridge but bridge can divide network into only two collision domain while here in switch each port works as a Separate collision domain.

(Collision domain is group of network interface cards in which collision may occur )

So suppose in any network 4 computers are there  computer A, B, C  and D . if A wants communicate with B and same as B wants communicate with A so they can at a time same as C wants communicate with D and D wants communicate with C so they can ,, these two communication can be done at a time without interface each other.

Switch maintain a table which also called forwarding table or MAC address table. in this table MAC addresses of all connected devices are stored.  When Computer A send data to B so  first data goes to switch and switch check the destination address of data with the help of this table ,,when switch get that mac address is connected to port 2 means Computer B so ,, data will be sent to B.

Benefit of Switch 

It provides High Speed data transfering.

It provides Full-duplex communication.

Point to Point communication or Dedicated communication.

Types of Switches 

There four types of switches or we can call switching-

  • Store and forward
  • Cut through
  • Fragment free
  • Adaptive switching

Store and forward Switch- In this switch there is buffer which is used to store received frames then it check the error problem if there is a error so it will drop the frames or if not it will forward it.
This switching is little bit slow as comparison to other switching because of error checking but it is too reliable.

Cut Through Switch- this switch check only the hardware address of frame before forwarding it.  and there is no error checking but it very fastest switching.

Fragment Free Switch - It is the combination of both above switches and it checks only first 64 bytes of frame in which address is stored.  Mostly it is found that if error is present so it would be in first 64 bit so Fragment free switch check only first 64 bit for avoiding the errors. and also fast.

Adaptive Switching- This switching uses a automatically method and select the best switching among these three switching. 

But maximum Store and forward switching is used


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