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Showing posts from December 6, 2015

computer Networking- CCNA part 10 of Segment 1- Network Layer of OSI Model

OSI Model - Network Layer hello friends ,,,i am Vasu Birla once again ,,and today we are going to discuss another layer of OSI Model that is  Network layer. In Previous layer Data link layer we got the actual working and definition of single networks ,Data link layer defines boundary of a single network , but  when we talk about lots of Networks means Internet or Inter-networking then Network Layer tell us that how it works  how internet is functioning today. Network Layer - Network layer deals with the lots of network it convince us that how data , devices and networks can be accessed and managed in World wide web or in internet. Some Most important functions of the network layers are - Packets  Logical addressing  Internetworking  Routing  Error Handling & Diagnostics  1. Packets -   On the network layer PDU ( Protocol data-gram unit ) is Packets  it means  on this layer Data is available in the form of packets just like data link layer's PDU is frame  like

computer Networking- CCNA part 9 of Segment1 (LLC vs MAC sublayers of Data Link layer)

LLC vs MAC Sublayers  hello friends this is Vasu Birla and today we will know about sublayers of data link layer . As we discussed in the last part that data link layer takes data from physical layer in form of bits (0,1) and check the transmission errors and then convert it in to frames. Data Link layer performs very important and complex task in our network. so for reducing of its complexcity it further divided in two parts or sub-layers. These are - LLC (Logical Link Control) Layer MAC (Media Access Control) Layer Logical Link Control Layer -   This sublayer provides services to Network Layer and  hides details of data link layer on network layer. It establish and control Logical links between local devices on network.  Today Most LAN technologies use this LLC protocol. LLC and MAC functions Media Access Control Layer- For Reducing the data traffic and conflict problem in network medium this MAC layer is used. MAC layer defines that how devices communicate on n