Sequelize provides a powerful migration system that allows you to carefully manage database schema changes. Migrations ensure that you can apply specific changes to the database without risking data loss. Steps to Set Up Migrations: Install Sequelize CLI npm install --save-dev sequelize-cli Initialize Sequelize CLI: npx sequelize-cli init These about two commands only will be run once while creating database or when we need to change structure of any table structure once ii is done then for each changes we have to make migration file and have to run it. it may create config.json file in the config/config/json { "development" : { "username" : "root" , "password" : "Birla@123456" , "database" : "mhs" , "host" : "82.112.XXX.XX" , // use you server's IP "dialect" : "mysql" , "port" : 3306 }, "test" : { ...