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Showing posts from August 18, 2024

How to create build of Your React App and server it for Forever using PM 2

Solution 1: Use Node.js's native import with pm2 You can directly use the native node command with pm2 to run the serve command. Here's how: Install serve as a local dependency if you haven't already: bash npm install serve Start the app using pm2 with node and serve : bash pm2 start "node --no-warnings --experimental-json-modules ./node_modules/.bin/serve" --name "react-app" -- -s build Solution 2: Use a serve script in package.json Another approach is to create a script in your package.json to run serve , and then use pm2 to start that script: Add a script to package.json : ( package.json of frontend folder ) { "scripts" : { "start:serve" : "serve -s build" } } Use pm2 to run the script : pm2 start npm --name "react-app" -- run start:serve Solution 3: Using a custom script with pm2 If you want to avoid npm scripts, you can create a custom Node.js script to run serve using ES Module