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Showing posts from August 25, 2024

GitHub Repo Collaboration Work on single project

 =============================================== To collaborate effectively with your friend on the same project, you should use Git branches to manage different lines of development. Here's a step-by-step procedure you can follow to streamline collaboration: 1. Create Separate Branches for Each Developer Create a New Branch for Your Friend: On your local repository, create a new branch for your friend. For example if your friend name is kilvish , if you want to create a branch named kilvish , you would run: make sure you would be on main branch already   command->  git checkout -b kilvish git push origin kilvish 2. Set Up Your Friend’s Environment( On your Friend's System )  at kilvish side  run ->  Clone the Repository (if not already done): If your friend hasn’t cloned the repository yet, they should do so: command ->  git clone   // your your main clone line  Fetch All Branches: After cloning, your friend should fetch