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computer Networking- CCNA part 7 of Segment 1- Physical Layer of OSI Model

OSI Model - Physical Layer 

Hello Friends i am Vasu Birla and today i will discuss about first Layer of OSI model ,, Physical Layer.

Physical Layer   is the layer where actual data moves physically across the networks interfaces or components.  
Physical layer specify standards about physical cables, devices and connecters. Some Important functions of physcial layer are:- 

Transmission Media -  Which kind of medium used to transmit data it is wired or wireless and which kind of cables and connecters are used  , and how data are sent one devices to other with wired or wireless midium these all are comes under physical layer. (We will discuss in details about every transmission medium)
Transmission mediums

Encoding & Signaling - Physical layer is also responsible for encoding and Signaling function. for exam those data are in form of bits or 0 and 1 form  so how these data can be sent to other devices and  what voltage levels should be for sending data in form of Signals , These all functions are done in the physical layer.
Encoding and signaling

Topology - topology means design of network , how our network look physically or how devices are connected physically , this is also term of physical layer. 


Devices-  Physical layer technology deals with 0 and 1 , the most common physical devises are used on this layer is  Hub, Repeater and switches.

Here Hub and Systems are physical layer devices 

 In the next part we will discuss Data link layer ,,,,,,  hare krishna 

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