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How to Register User with Hashed Password node js & express js

 // Create a a file named helper.js to convert plain password into hashed password as well compare it at the time of login -


import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs';

 function hashPassword(password){

const salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(); 

return bcrypt.hashSync(password, salt); 


function comparePassword(raw, hash){

return bcrypt.compareSync(raw, hash)


  // here above in compare password function first argument is raw pass means plain pass which you have entered and second hash is that already saved hashed password , we will compare it and get user login

export {hashPassword, comparePassword } 

// End Helper ======================================================

// now at your IndexModel or User Model  import that functions which were created in helper.js as well RegisterSchema also 

import RegisterSchemaModel from '../schema/RegisterSchema.js';

import {hashPassword, comparePassword} from '../schema/helper.js';

class IndexModel{

// to Register User with Hashed Password


  return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{

    userDetails.password = hashPassword(userDetails.password);

    var obj = new RegisterSchemaModel(userDetails);     ,result)=>{

            err ? reject(err) : resolve(result) ;            




// For User Login with plain password by doing comparison with already saved your hashed pass

 fetchUsers(userDetails) {    

    return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{

        const {email,password,status} = userDetails; 


          const isValid = comparePassword(userDetails.password, result[0].password);  

  // here above in compare password function first argument is raw pass means plain pass which you have entered and second result[0].pass is that already saved hashed password , we will compare it and get user login

                var userDBpass = result[0].password





            //!isValid ? reject(err) : resolve(result);







// For Those Users who don't follow MVC architecture - or use Single file to code 

//create Schema first just like above and import it 

const express = require('express');  // use import if you use ES6 Module

const router = express.Router();  

const registerSchemaModel = require('../model/user'); 

// Signup API with hashed password ---------'/signup', (req, res, next) => { 

// Creating empty user object 

    let newUser = new registerSchemaModel(); =, =,


 req.body.password = hashPassword( req.body.password);

    // Save object to DB, User) => { 

        if (err) { 

            return res.status(400).send({ 

                message : "Failed to add user."



        else { 

            return res.status(201).send({ 

                message : "User registered  successfully."

             });    } 



// For Login API  -------------'/login', (req, res) => { 

    // Find user with requested email 

    registerSchemaModel.findOne({ email : }, function(err, user) {     


const isValid = comparePassword(req.body.password, user.password); 


                    return res.status(201).send({ 

                    message : "User Logged In", 



                  return res.status(400).send({ 

                    message : "Wrong Password"





module.exports = router;  



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